Notes From the Floor

Former Idaho Senator Cole / Nicole Legislative Blog

Add the Words Events Statewide today

For immediate release
January 24, 2012
Add the Words Continues to Post Sticky Notes in Capitol

In an ongoing effort, members of the Add the Words, Idaho campaign, continue to post sticky notes daily on the doors of the House and Senate Chambers in the Capitol Building.

"It was a bit tense the first week when the state police still seemed determined to stop our volunteers from peacefully posting any of the hundreds of stickies we've gathered from around the state," said Mistie Tolman, spokesperson for Add the Words. "Still, volunteers and members of the community are posting the notes every day on the glass doors of the chambers and committee rooms. In meeting with the ProTem and Speaker they wanted us to understand that the notes will be taken down as soon as they are posted.It's frustrating for some of our volunteers but at least no one is being detained by the troopers. People's words are there in the statehouse. For some of us, that's a start to a powerful conversation that's constantly improving the outlook for the legislation this year,"

Lisa Perry was asked more than once to stop or she'd be removed from the building, "I went in there last week for my gay and transgender friends. We're determined to make sure people's voices are heard since in years past the community's never been given the chance to speak at a public hearing. People still live in fear and too often face discrimination at work and school and in renting houses and apartments."

Add the Words campaign member, Cody Hafer, explained that every day volunteers read the following statement as they post sticky notes: "This is the most peaceful way we could think of to both protest the fact that year after year we are denied a public hearing, and to make sure that those across the state can have their voices heard inside the capitol. Our sticky notes are simply words, not a permanent fixture, just our calm way of respectfully and quietly bringing the voices and stories of thousands of Idahoans here."

"We find that many lawmakers still believe that gay and transgender people have legal recourse when they get fired from their jobs or denied housing just because they are gay or transgender." said Emilie Jackson-Edney of Add the Words. "Many in the statehouse don't know how the Human Rights Act works. It created a process already in use in Idaho to investigate, mediate and make findings to protect both businesses and employees should discrimination happen. Even after six years there's still a lot of education work to do to explain that we are not asking for anything new or different, just to let the Commission work on those cases that involve us."

Add the Words, Idaho is an all volunteer organization of people across Idaho working to demonstrate the level of public support for inclusion of gay and transgender Idahoans in the state’s laws banning discrimination in employment, housing education and public accommodation. Add the Words has gathered over 500 of messages to Idaho legislators written on sticky notes from people in more than 50 Idaho towns. Add the Words is working with organizations and individuals in more than 13 towns to hold public candlelight vigils, rallies and events on Saturday January 28th in support of passage of legislation to add the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to Idaho’s Human Rights Act.

Those wishing to send sticky notes to law makers or hoping to participate in the groups vigils, rallies and other events statewide on January 28 can go to , for more information.

For More Information please contact Mistie Tolman 208 861-4371


Add the Words First Video: The Sticky Note Story


You are changing Idaho! TODAY is the day.

Sharing this from Add the Words:

Friends Statewide,
     Today's the day.
From Coeur d'Alene to
Idaho Falls we'll
gather. Bring a pen and,
if you can, a sticky
note all written out. If
there's no event in your
town, PLEASE gather
yourself, a friend, a
sign and take a photo.
Send it to us at
Post to facebook. Tell

    Thank you for being
part of the amazing
progress this year in
legislator's attitudes
toward gay people. We
now have a hearing for
introduction in the
Senate. The next step
would be a public
hearing. Our first ever.
But we need YOUR
legislator's vote. Let
them know you care.

    We CAN
finally end the fear
and legal
discrimination still
faced by so many of
our gay and
transgender family
members and friends. Please
stand with us TODAY.
Let's make history.  

Tolman, Cody Hafer,
Lisa Perry, Emilie
Jackson Edney, Rialin
Flores, James
Tidmarsh, Victoria
Brown, Stacy Ericson,
Lucy Juarez, Ashley
New, Lee Thompson,
Hannah Brass, Jim
Huggins, Jennifer
Whitney, Jonny Carkin
& all of us across
the state working with
Add the Words.

Julie Zicha from
Pocatello: "I
lost my son to
last January.
Please Add the
Words so we
don't lose any
more kids."

"Let's add the
words already!,"
Emily Walton
from Declo,

"Please think.
There are many
kids wondering
what they did
wrong & the
answer is
Nothing. Please
Add the Words."

Former HP
Executive Don
Curtis Sr. says,
"I want all my
children equal
under the law.
Please add the

Jazz Musician
Curtis Stigers says, "Add
the Words, Idaho!"



you, we are
it's time for
Idaho law
makers to
finally add
the words
and "gender
identity" to
Idaho's human
rights act!

this Saturday
we can bring
friends and
gather from
Weiser to
Coeur d'Alene
from Idaho
Falls to Twin
Falls and help
make Idaho a
better place
for our gay

now have over
500 sticky
note messages
from over 50
Idaho cities
and every
district in
the state
Email yours.

with friends
and ask them
to sign the petition
and write a 20
word message
for us to post
for them in
the statehouse.

in Boise? Post
your own
sticky note
on glass doors
inside the
Capitol in the
weeks ahead.

our video.


to hear radio ads
for events
around the


and LIKE us on


RALLY with signs
and hot cocoa.
Elizabeth Cogliati &
Rev. Lyn Cameron
Broadway Bridge
(East-West route
crossing the
Snake River in
the center of
town adjacent to
the Green Belt
and parking.)
12:00-1:00 PM

RALLY with signs.
James Tidmarsh.
Twin Falls County
Courthouse (427
Shoshone Street
N. Twin Falls,
Idaho 83301)
RSVP on Facebook
1:00-2:00 PM

Jennifer Whitney
Sticky note
photos followed
by a daylight vigil
State College
SUB Room 225
(500 8th Avenue)
(Starting in
SUB, ending in
10:30-11:30 AM

Co-sponsored w/
Benewah Human
Rights Coalition
Community Center
& Park (5th
and C Street)
(Starting in
Center, ending
in park.)
2:00-3:30 PM

Tony Edmundson
Weiser Post
Office Post
Office (106 W
Main St Weiser)
6:00 PM

Victoria Brown
The Fountain at
2nd St. South
and 12th Ave
6:00-7:00 PM

Music, Speakers
& Sticky
Note Writing.
Lisa Perry
State Capitol
Add the Words on
1:00-2:00 PM

RALLY with
Speakers College
of Idaho Campus
Chelsea Gaonoa Lincoln
(2112 Cleveland
Blvd. Caldwell,
ID 83605) (Right
on Cleveland
Blvd. in front
of college.)
11:00 AM-12:00


VIGIL and Sticky
Note Writing
Human Rights
& Education
6:00 PM

Gathering for a
presentation on
the Human Rights
Act and Sticky
Note Writing
Jim Huggins
1912 Center St
11:00 AM

Sticky Note Writing w/ photos
Thoshia Harke
4:30 PM Add the
Words Idaho
note writing to
law makers
starts at the
Canoe Room in
(1065 South
Cesar Chavez)

5:15 PM From ISU
SUB to the
Bannock County
Courthouse for
Vigil (624 East
Center /

at Courthouse
5:45 PM

(Let Cody know if you would like to help organize
an event in your town.)

You can help:

Idaho’s Reverse New Deal


Today I sit at home at my living room table, a scarf, hot tea and afternoon sun keeping me from feeling the cold of the house– which we keep in the low 50s except when the wood stove is burning. We are trying right now to avoid buying another cord of wood from our favorite man with an axe. If things felt more hopeful economically we might spring for it. But In this environment, we all have our own ways of being frugal.

Tomorrow, Idaho's economic outlook committee will meet deep in the polished underground wings of the Capitol. We'll make wild guesses as to how much money Idahoans will pay in taxes in the year ahead. I've served all 8 years of my 4 terms in the Idaho legislature on this committee. I have a record of regular closest "guesses" at total tax revenues, a fact that's pleasing in good years but grim in years like 2009 when Idaho's economy began to take its dive.

The number we pick in the next week will set a limit for how much money we have to spend in our next state budget. We all know the number gets good when more people are employed and buy goods and services. Businesses do better then as well. And from it all, the state collects tax revenues which will fund elementary schools and community colleges, parks and drug treatment programs.

Does anyone think this year the Idaho legislature will suddenly re-consider our current strategy of telling every single state agency, "This year, no building anything, no hiring anyone, no replacing broken items or taking on new projects?" No. This three year austerity strategy has cost Idaho over 3000 state jobs. And somehow the Governor still seems proud of it.

When America had its last great depression, rather than paying unemployment for laid off workers, government paid them to do jobs communities needed to have done. Idaho has closed parks, health department offices, scaled back mental health treatment programs, laid off school teachers, increased class sizes in schools colleges and universities and much more.

Yet I'm sad to say I suspect those who loathe government will have their way with our economy again. They will continue the austerity in spite of the fact that it's hurting the very people who cry for lower taxes. Business owners. It all cycles around. Even 2000 jobs would do a lot for the Idaho economy, for builders, retailers, restaurants, and those who sell cord wood or consumer services. If we resisted the urge to deepen tax breaks and exemptions and focused instead on creating the most needed of state jobs, we might just inspire a few business owners to do a bit of hiring themselves. Imagine that.