Not At Ease

Not at Ease

When the Speaker banged the gavel and boomed "The House will be at ease," today the pages stormed out of the nooks and crannies and hung the "Back Benchers" banner on the wall behind the Speaker’s desk. They did the traditional end-of-page-term skit about their time in the legislature. A new crop will be arriving soon. I’ll miss some of these. There are some good genes in the Moyle and Lake families.
    Funny though this year for the what feels like the first time, not a single Democrat appeared in the skit. It is kind of like what is happening with our legislation this year. If it is at all substantial and has a Democrat’s name on it, it seems to be vanishing, typically for "technical" reasons. I’ve not checked with all my colleagues to see if this is universally true, but normally good bi-partisan efforts have a chance. I think the looming election year is taking its toll on the legislative process. I hope I’m wrong. That is the ugliest of partisanship — important policy being killed simply because the legislator belongs to the wrong party.

    Today while we were at ease we also had the Marriage Ambassador award which recognizes a married couple who exemplify traditional marriage. It went to Rep. Donna Boe and her husband Roger for their amazing work locally and internationally and for their fifty year plus marriage. Roger came from Pocatello to be here with Donna and accept the award. 
    It is Valentines day, and someone in the award presentation used the words "those who choose marriage." I have watched this award presented every year for the past four years. This year was the first year I got teary. Something about the words "choose marriage" really got me. It seemed cruel even if it was not intended to be so.
    It is Valentines day and I send love to my partner Carol as a legislative spouse, for all she endures in long hours, stress and putting up with my months of pre-occupation with policy and strategy and the daily drama of the legislature. To Carol who doesn’t get to attend the legis-ladies meetings and outings or have the camaraderie of others who live so close to the periphery of this often all-consuming place. 
    It is valentines day and I wish for all couples who, like Carol and I, can’t get married — I wish for you all a more compassionate world, a more compassionate state and a day when all our families will be as respected and valued as others.