

Crystal White, Stacy Falkner my Interns with Democratic Staff Member, Cathy Downs in the Snow


Les Bock Watches as Our Chairman Gets Gaveled by His Co-Chair


Lenore Watches the Mayors Sing


Kassie, Carol and Barack Obama Speechless


When it is tense, how do we survive?

  •     Carol makes me laugh when things are the most difficult. She knows how to make me stop banging my head against the wall and how to help me see the humor in really anything, including having a bill die.
  •     I have two hard working college interns who are researching fiscal impacts, making phone calls, keeping the e-mail from over taking my computer and reminding me to stay focused so I don’t unravel in
    an unsightly way when I have way too many balls of legislative yarn in the air.
  •      My upper house colleagues sense of humor keeps it all from
    spiraling down with the paper and binder clips and anything which might
    fall off the balcony. Someone in the back row passed around a 1955
    pamphlet on keeping women in their place and called it the report from
    Steve Thayne’s Family Task Force.
  •    It is nice to be just a fan for awhile. Barack Obama coming to Boise Saturday morning fuels me to remember how big things are out there and how hopeful this state looks for Democrats this year. Maybe there will be more balance and more than 19 of us in the House in 2009. If we work hard enough, at this time next year we could have a Democrat as president, real health care reform in the making, smarter energy policy, strong, intelligent, articulate leadership to make us respected again as a nation.
  •     Even Lt. Governor Risch whispered a joke about how, before Governor Otter’s hip surgery, he had offered to administer Butch’s anesthesia. He said was told that wouldn’t really fly.
  •     Chairman Clark has a wicked sense of humor but had two bills up today. He treats even defeat like a game and laughed when his Vice Chair Leon Smith gaveled him during the presentation of his highly technical supreme court retirement fund stabilization bill.
  •     At one of the million receptions, lunches and functions today, two Mayors sang and even I found myself singing the star spangled banner, probably the most risky thing I could do to my re-election since I absolutely can not carry a tune.