Some Numbers

Some numbers:

  • Percent of Idaho businesses that are small businesses employing less than 50 people:  96%
  • Percent of Idaho employees working in small businesses with fewer than 100 employees:  66%
  • Percent of Idaho sales tax paid by businesses:  about 33%
  • Percent of the sales tax paid by families and individuals:  about 66%
  • Percent of the corporate and individual income tax paid by businesses:  .00015%
  • Percent paid by families and individuals:  99%
  • Cost of IACI’s HB599 tax exemption:  $120 million every year after the bill is fully phased in.
  • Where would more than 80% or $103 million of the IACI $120 million go:  To the 15% of Idaho’s largest businesses.
  • Tax exemptions these businesses already get and thus taxes they already do not have to pay on the personal property they buy:
    • –Idaho’s sales tax production exemption
    • –Investment Tax Credits
    • –179 Income Tax Deduction
  • Cost of a smaller $50,000 personal property tax exemption for all businesses:  $9  million
  • Percent of businesses which have less than $50,000 in personal property anyway :  aprox. 85%
  • Percent of all Idaho businesses that would benefit from a $50,000 exemption:  100%
  • Percent of benefit of $50,000 exemption going to small business:  44%
  • Percent of benefit of $120 million IACI proposal going to small businesses:  less than 20%
  • Estimated tax shift from businesses to families and individuals if IACI bill passes:  roughly $80 million
  • IACI proposals which included a way for business to pay for this
    tax exemption through extension of another business tax which their
    members feel would be less onerous than the personal property tax:  0